Does Morality Matter?

For me, morality doesn’t exist.

It’s only what society wants or expects from you. It helps promote order from chaos and makes the population easier to control. Most of us have some “obligations” hard-printed into our subconscious, telling us what’s good and bad for our survival–basic instinct. That’s why we have morality. It’s why people expect you to uphold the same creed or beliefs they do, because they want to survive. Doing something they don’t expect isn’t being immoral.

If you’re the center of your world, why do you have to care about dilemmas or rules? You can go off and kill everyone you like. Tear them limb from limb. You can say you still have morality left by not burning them alive, but the society has already shun it from the very first second you have the thought.

Morality is our superego or the police. You can disobey the police. Just don’t get caught.

Author: Nine

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